Monday, April 25, 2005

More Bad News

"That district is so bad, the whole thing needs to be scrapped! Destroy it and start over."

Looks like it's happening.

A couple of weeks ago the headlines announced fourteen more school closings. This weekend, the Plain Dealer reported 500 more teacher layoffs.
This follows the 1,400 teachers cut last year.

Whenever we think things can't get any worse for these kids, WHAM!! We take another hit.
I am afraid to imagine where all this is going.

1 comment:

marybeth said...

Unless a levy passes, the classroom situations will continue to deteriorate as they become more crowded with fewer and fewer teachers and no money for programs and materials. Parents will pull kids out and put them in the charter schools, (Notice how Republican David Brennan's for-profit Hope Academies are springing up all over the city?) Since the charter schools don't have special-needs programs, those students will have to remain in the Cleveland Schools. I see an educational stratification beginning. I also see the the teeth being pulled out of the (mostly Democratic)teacher's union as the number of it's members diminishes radically.