Wednesday, August 18, 2004


The concept of "giving a person space" was a recurrent theme running around my brain today and interrupted my thinking as I busied myself with the more mundane tasks of daily life.

Although I fully understand the phrase, and the fact that we all need "room to grow", "time to sort things out", and "the space to deal with our problems"; nevertheless, I am grateful for friends who reach out to me when I am overwhelmed, take notice of a developing distance and remind me that a shared burden is easier than one shouldered alone.
They are the ones who help calm the chaos of my circumstances rather than leave me to face the turbulence of my life by myself.
They know that just because the thing that doesn't kill you can make you stronger, in reality, sometimes it will still kill you...unless someone has your back.
They can tell by my silence when I really need to talk.
They understand that giving a person space doesn't mean walking away.

These are the friends who make love an action as opposed to a concept.

I am blessed to have friends who love me. They remind me of the friend I should be.

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